Holistic family conflict resolution

Fostering healthy family dynamics for intergenerational success

Here for your family’s future

We are on the verge of the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history. Some estimates suggest Australia will see more than $3 trillion change hands between generations over the next 10-20 years.
Global research shows 7 out of 10 wealth transitions fail. Research conducted by Williams & Pressier indicates the single most important issue that undermines successful wealth transfers is a breakdown of trust and communication (60% of cases).  The secondary cause is a failure to prepare heirs (25% of cases) and a lack of shared vision accounts for 12%. 
Professional advice on financial matters (tax & accounting, legal, financial planning) is a necessary and accepted part of managing wealth and its transition, however the research shows errors in this space only account for 3% of wealth transition failures.  Too often family dynamics do not receive the same level of professional focus, even though the consequences are known to be significant. 

Communiqué Services:

  • Build the Foundations

    Wherever you are in your family’s journey, it is never too late to check you are aligned. Having open conversations about the future and checking in on your values is extremely beneficial in building a solid foundation for a successful future. Learning about your common themes and areas of difference can also help you proactively avoid or manage potential conflict in the future and protect your family legacy.

  • Prevent Family Conflict

    Conflict is a natural part of human nature. The reality is that the more family members there are, the more likely it is conflict will occur. The earlier measures are put in place the more chance there is of preventing conflict from becoming entrenched. The key is recognising the triggers to conflict and putting frameworks in place before conflict occurs or becomes entrenched.

  • Address Family Conflict

    Conflict handled appropriately can have positive outcomes. In some cases, families are already in conflict and to prevent that conflict from destroying the family and its legacy it needs to be dealt with in a constructive way.

‘Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.”

— Mahatma Gandhi